Kids Are Kids! is an NDIS registered provider of therapy services for children with disabilities and developmental needs.
We are registered for:
- Improved Daily Living: Capacity Building Supports for Early Childhood (for children aged 0-7)
- Improved Daily Living: Capacity Building Supports Childhood (for children aged 7 and above)
If you’re already registered for NDIS funding, get in touch with our friendly team to discuss your child’s NDIS plan and therapy needs with our clinical coordinators.
Not yet registered and need help?
If you’re new to the scheme and not yet registered or approved for NDIS funding, we understand it can be confusing and overwhelming but we’re here to help you navigate the process. We’ve included some useful information and links below to help get you started.
What is the NDIS?
NDIS stands for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. It’s a government funding stream designed to help individuals living with disability access the support they need to live independently.
All individuals aged 0 to 65 years who meet the eligibility criteria can access funding for supports from NDIS registered therapy providers.
Visit ndis.gov.au for more information
Is my child eligible for NDIS funding?
There are criteria for age, disability and citizenship/residency status that will determine whether your child is eligible for funding. Here is a short and simple NDIS checklist you can complete online now to check your child’s eligibility.
How can I access NDIS funding?
If you’ve completed the online checklist above and meet the criteria, call the NDIS directly on 1800 800 110 to make an access request or download and complete the access request form.
Call the NDIS Request access form
How can Kids Are Kids! help me?
Once you’re registered with the NDIS, please contact us to arrange a complimentary consultation with one of our clinical coordinators. They’ll explain how we can help you identify your therapy goals, understand your NDIS plan and navigate the process to access therapies, as well as assisting with the renewal of your plan.
For further information about our NDIS services please contact us.