Grand Opening of Jarvis House
Posted in Media Release, News -
On Friday the 10th March, Kids Are Kids! Board, staff, partners, supporters and a local MLA gathered together to celebrate the opening of our new premises, Jarvis House.
The evening was an opportunity to come together, tour the facilities and celebrate this huge achievement for Kids Are Kids!
We were honoured to have a moving Welcome to Country by Noongar elders, Morton and Vivienne Hansen, followed by Chairperson Wayne Revitt sharing our history, values and vision for the future.
We also welcomed the Jarvis Family, who gave a touching tribute to Ian Jarvis. Ian was one of Kids Are Kids! biggest supporters and gave thousands of hours volunteering his time and knowledge to our organisation. The centre has been named in his honour.
Jarvis House will ensure therapy is more accessible to children in Armadale and surrounding areas and make a huge impact in the lives of local children and their families.